Friday, June 01, 2007


Today I bit the bullet and rang Josh to confess that this week (yes thats the whole week, not a day or two or a meal here or there) I've not followed my nutrition plan. I've had an "eat what I want week" even though I knew it wasnt ok to do this at this stage of my prep. I wont make excuses or try to justify this. There is no point in doing so. Do I feel guilty? I'm not sure how I feel .... probably a mix of anxious, worried, sad, disappointed in myself. Needless to say other events and issues have caused me to feel this way but they dont justify my actions.

Now to turn the corner and start moving forward again. Tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new training week for me. Its also the 16 week mark. I know some competitors do 16 weeks of prep and its been in the back of my mind to do the same.

So here is my action plan for June:

1. Follow my nutrition plan 100% except for 2 free meals (one is a friend's birthday dinner at an Indian Restaurant and one night out with WH). Other dinners will have to be toughed out on plan (as best as possible).

2. No alcohol. (This will be a REALLY tough one)

3. Cardio every day - minimum 30 minutes.

4. All weights sessions done consistently and with 100% effort.

5. Bed by 9.30pm (except Fridays and Saturdays)

6. Positive attitude! Perhaps this should be first on the list. No point whinging or feeling sorry for myself. This is my journey and I need to travel it. When I complete it the prize will ultimately be mine.

7. Complete a Progress and Achievements Chart similar to what Shar does. Schedule rewards and treats accordingly.

8. Keep blogging about my journey.

9. Start posing practice. Minimum 30 minutes/week.

10. Dont lose sight of my goals.

So there you have it. The good the bad and the ugly...of which there was plenty this week. Oh and lets not forget what my punishment is for this transgression......having to send photos to Josh this weekend. (I'm feeling sick just thinking about it).



Kie said...

I like your philosophy about the moon Magda. Tomorrow is another day where there's a will there's a way. Stay positive the mind is a powerful tool.
Cheers Kie

Kie said...

I like your philosophy about the moon Magda. Tomorrow is another day where there's a will there's a way. Stay positive the mind is a powerful tool.
Cheers Kie

Kristy said...

Thanks for the advice on the 4 day split. Just wondering if you have your weights program electronically so I could see what exercises you are doing each day. Also what days of the week do you do your weights or does it change each week. Currently I'm doing Mon, Wed, Fri and am not sure where to add the extra session. I could probably try Sunday (not the best day though). I really enjoy lifting weights. It is a great feeling and very rewarding when you see and feel muscles growing.

Kaddy said...

hey magda, i got to your blog through kristys blog. im just wondering with the comment you left re: the weights, is it more beneficial to split the weights over the 4 sessions, its just something i've seen a lot of people do and am wondering the benefits.

sorry to hear about your week, i know how crappy it feels, been going through it myself, on and off up and down. the boozing has been the hardest thing for me too... i enjoy being a bit of a social butterfly but have never been able to stop....i wont just have 1 glass of wine, i'll have the bottle coz i get in to the mood and we're all havin a fab time.... it has been one of the hardest things for me to overcome. 1. i used it at the beginning to make me feel good when i felt crap about stuff instead of facing the feelings and analyzing them and 2. back to the socialising....ho hum

so what has helped me is substituting.... diet coke, soda and mineral water... whatever it takes and i drink it with a smile (even if i dont want to smile i just darn well force myself to smile becasue its impossible to feel bad when ya smile)

best of luck for this week! one of the best things Sue ever said to me was 'on track is as soon as your next meal" when i make a mistake that stays in my head and i try and stick with it.

GL with your prep!

Nic said...

Hi Magda,
I can so relate to the dread of having to take photos when you've had a binge! the good part is the next lot of photos have to be better. June will be a great month for you. You've got the dedication and you know you can do it so it will all come together for you. Good luck & good on you for being honest. Nic x

Bug's Mumma said...

Hey Magda. You're certainly not the first and definitely not the last one to do this. You're only human and GAWD knows I've done the same thing as well in my previous prep. Just take it one meal and a time and you will make it through. Email/PM me if you ever need to chat. xo

Miss Positive said...

Magda you are on an amazing journey, and every day brings new challenges. I love your plan of attack for June, and I've got no doubt that you will complete all these things. Sometimes a little break in discipline can be just what you need to get you back on track and remotivated!

Hilary xx

LizN said...

Dear Magda

Loved your 7 weird and wonderful facts postings.

Just a little at a time with the nutrition. And as you know, I don't even let a comp get in the way of a nice Indian meal.


stacytoby said...

So you had a bad week, it happens to the best of us, the good thing is that you realise that it was bad and are taking steps to improve for June - I'm with you 100%!!!!! :)
