Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Wed 13th June 2007

4.48am: Wake up before my alarm goes off and relish the few minutes of bed time I still have.

5.00am: My alarm goes off. I dont want to get up. I manage to talk myself into it and get out of bed. Loo.

5.05am: Feed the noisy cat who is hanging out for her daily tuna fix. Strip off, jump on the scales. Weight up .2kgs. Body fat down .5%. The result of my very slow system with so little food :-( This will (hopefully) improve in a few days.

5.10am: Down my protein shake, get dressed, down my hot lemon drink. Stuff around.

5.23am: Stopwatch on today for the first time. Hit the road for my 5km run. Nice fast pace from the word go. Its fresh but not windy which makes for good running. "No Limit" playing on my IPod. I repeat it at least 5 times as I love the tune and pace of that track.

I'm pushing hard and my pulse rises very early into the run. Secretly I want to beat 29 minutes but I'm doubting myself. I'm annoyed that my weight is up slightly and my middle looks and feels thick. If I feel my pace slow down I push harder to keep it up. In the 4km stretch I'm struggling with tiredness and finding it hard to maintain my speed. The last 1/2 km is torture. My legs dont want to do it anymore and my knees have a slight ache. I keep talking to myself to not give up and push it hard to the end.

5.23am + 28 mins and 54 secs later: I've done the 5kms and I have cracked the 29. WOOHOO!! I'm too tired to feel elated. Quick cool down and into 6 sets of 20 walking lunges up and down my street.

6.00am: Arrive home, hot, tired and sore. Make bed as I cool down. Brush thighs and butt (hoping this helps to shift some of my cellulite).

6.15am: Shower, wash hair, blast thighs and butt with cold water at the end of the shower - brrr - dress, make-up on, dry hair and roller it (I'm growing out my short style and need to spend a bit more time than usual to get my hair looking good these days).

6.50am: Wake BS and make his toast for breakfast. Organise his lunch box and school bag. Cook my protein porridge which has been prepared the night before and enjoy my favourite meal of the day. Eat some of BS's toast crusts as I clean up (a bad habit I need to get out of), drink my green tea.

7.10am: Teeth, hair, remind BS several times that he has tasks to complete. Last minute rush around.

7.35am: Leave for work. WH is dropping BS to Before School Care so i get to drive straight in today.

8.05am: Arrive at work, dead tired and as flat as a tack. My legs are tired from 3 solid sprint/fast run sessions in a row. My upper body is tired from my weights workout last night.

Its going to be a difficult day.



Kie said...

Stay positive Magda. You did an awesome time on your run. be proud of yourself.
Cheers Kie

Bug's Mumma said...

Geez I dont know how you do it! I think I'm going to stop whinging about my life now! xo

Ali said...

Don't know about boring, full on if you ask me and I loved reading what you get up to on a daily basis :)

Maybe I need more of a life LOL

take care and work hard!!! sounds like you are doing great at present

LizN said...


I love your posts - that's why I've tagged you :)

Check my blog :)


Miss Positive said...

Wow and THEN you gotta WORK all day????!!!!!

The things you do to achieve your dreams! Well done on the PB for the run!

Hilary xx