Sunday, February 22, 2009


What do you do when you wake up at 4.45am on a Sunday (besides get really grumpy about it)? After laying in bed for a while and getting bored and restless I got up and:

made fresh pikelets for BS's breakfast
made a week's supply of sandwiches (to be frozen) for BS's school lunches
cursed that I didnt have my training gear handy so I could do my cardio (and didnt want to disturb WH by going to search for it)
heard the loo flush so ran in and grabbed my training gear
headed out for cardio at 6.30am

It was a glorious morning. A bit fresh but just lovely. I was dying to do some sprint work and after a decent warm-up I pushed out 10 x 100m sprints with 100m recovery walks and then completed the hour with my 1 song walk / 1 song jog combo. Rocked home around 7.30 feeling like 110% fanbloodytastic.

About 2 hours later the leg DOMS set in and I could barely walk hahaha. Gotta love that level of DOMS coz it says "Girl, you trained hard". WOOHOO

I was hoping to have a 100% clean day with food today but we were out for lunch and the menu was a bit limited and I had cajun style salt and pepper calamari with salad. It was delicious but fried and fatty. Hopefully my light dinner balanced it out a bit.

Have a great week all


BTW Pre-dinner activity for me tonight was ...... cleaning my house. The bare minimum but better than doing nothing


Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call getting organised Magada. Even if it is because you couldn't sleep but at least you used that time effectively. Speaking of which I'm off to bed, I can't make the same mistake this week I made last weekd. LOL!!

Have a great week and I hope the doms settle down for you. ;o)

Lia xxx

Fifi said...

You can make sandwiches in advance and freeze them??? Why didn't I think of that?

My mornings have gotten a little easier already!


Witchazel said...

Tried the Roo Chilli... YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for killing some of the "Now what can I do with it" boredome

Magda said...

Hi Lia, yes there is an upside to not being able to sleep hahaha. Put the time to good use. It saved me at least an hour later in the day.

Frankie, my boy doesnt have anything resembling salad in his sandwich so its 3 @ cheese + vegemite and 2 @ ham and cheese. Freezes beautifully and you only slave over them once (I do mine Sunday night).

Glad you liked it Miss Witchazel. Will post some more roo recipes soon.

Cheers all
