Monday, May 26, 2008


Last Monday I had a check-up by my GP. Today I went back for the blood results and could not have been given a better report in terms of the various tests conducted. Blood count: good; liver and kidney function: good (see I’m NOT an alco LOL!!); calcium levels: good; thyroid and metabolism: good (yep my weight gain is purely too much crappy food): protein levels: good, blood sugar (after fasting): normal; cholesterol: a tad high because my HDL (good cholesterol) is excellent and my LDL (bad) cholesterol is within the safe range so the high reading is pushing up the overall reading. Cause for concern? Absolutely not. My GP said I wont need to be tested again for 2 years. “Just keep doing what you’re doing with exercise and diet cause they are great results” he said.

Even before I got my results I started the week in a remarkably good place emotionally and mentally. The lurgies are still trying to get a hold of me and physically I don’t feel 100% but I’m pushing on as I feel ok. Yep I stayed pretty well on track over the weekend with just a small indulgence on Sunday night having dinner out after the movies. I even ended the weekend with a 45 minute stint on the rower while watching the dvd of the 2007 INBA All Female Muscle and Fitness Classic. Great way to pass the (usually boring!) time.

Figure Girls brunch was great, as usual. 3 competing and 2 not so it’s a nice balance. Mind you we are all crazy about training, dieting (when need be) and all things related so there is an automatic “click”. After the brunch the 3 competing girls went to do posing practice while I went home and out to the movies a little later.

Training will be all arse-up this week. On Wednesday WH leaves very early for a work trip interstate for 2 full days. Those would normally be my running mornings so my training will suffer. Thank God I have the exercise room with enough equipment to manage a decent cardio and weights session. I guess I wont be setting any new 5km record times this week. All staying well though, I’m planning to do running training with the group tonight. I just hope my chesty thing doesn’t flare up.

Have a great day all and………

……. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Miss KatieP for her stage debut yesterday. No trophy or tiara but a very refreshing take on the whole comp experience and her future goals. Best of luck to you Katie :-)




Kristy said...

Its great to see you so positive Magda...

I hope you get rid of the lurgy soon. They can make you feel so yuck

Lisa said...

Great results Magda
Now they're something that really makes it all worthwhile. You can't buy good health.

Magda said...

Thanks Kristy,

am home with it now trying to shake it for good.

Yes Lisa I'm very happy with my results. Just goes to prove that doing the right thing MOST of the time does pay off.

