Monday, September 28, 2009


So we all know that I ate badly last week. Oh yeah many of my binge foods featured almost daily and dinner out on Thursday night meant I ate way too much salt and pepper squid (yum) and chips. I also slackened off on my training and completed very few of my regular sessions. Yep I was a junk food munching, misery guts, Negative Nelly, lazy slob.

Saturday saw the turn back onto the path I want to follow and being a very busy day meant that I didnt eat as much as usual. Sunday pretty much followed suit. Although there was no dieting, for whatever reason I just didnt eat heaps.

So how on earth do I wake up this morning feeling really lean. I'm not weighing myself (except maybe once a month - thinking about it) but I could just tell. I have a pair of charcoal pants in a size 10. They are an under-70-kilos-pants and I put them on and they were really comfy. Not tight at all. Great sign!! I feel like the whoosh fairy came and dumped a massive whoosh on me and its awesome.

Today I eased off the intensity of my training as this lurgy is trying hard to take me down. It was chest and back and I still worked hard and already have the DOMS as my reward :-) I'm just planning to take each day as it comes until I'm 100% well again. Still planning to train but will modify it accordingly.

The rental hunting is challenging to say the least. Its going to be much harder than we thought but pressing on and following up lots of places. Fingers crossed we get something soon.

Cheers all



Kristy said...

That's really really strange Magda, as I had a simialr thing happen to me. I had 4 days of overeating and offplan eating and Monday morning I still felt slim if not slimmer. It's such a strange thing. I did jump on the scales this morning and found I am still the same weight, which I am happy with...

Great job on getting back on track again Magda...

Magda said...

Its wierd isnt it Kristy but we're definitely not complaining, are we LOL.


Sandra said...

Me too. After a couple of weeks of sickness and NO training at all...not to mention eating off plan here and there, I decided to brave the scales and cut my losses. Guess what? No change...better than a gain, I say...;-)

Good luck with the house-hunting Magda.


Magda said...

Thanks Sandra. Isnt the MM a mystery? Sometimes its up for no apparent reason and then other times its just too kind.



Erika said...

I decided this last week to 'F the diet' as has been mentioned by other dieters, felt so much better had 2 lots of hot chips as I had been craving them for weeks,and enjoyed every minute of them, put on 500grams. Big deal, feeling good and have had no cravings since last Thurs when I had them And to tell you the truth after the second time I thought, not so fantastic after all, don't need them again, BUT I know if I really want them I can have them on my NO DIET. But yes this way of thinking is very scary. Es