Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Since my return to the real world (aka home and work) I've been tracking quite nicely. After my "relaxed holiday eating" its always a bit hard to get back on track but I was determined to do it. My IFG (Inner Fat Girl) - who is still not so inner - tried really hard to get me to keep eating treat foods with conversations like "go on, it'll taste fantastic" and "well you've eaten off track for a few days already so a few more wont matter". I had to give her a serious smack down and remind myself of my short and long term goals. So when I got to the end of the day clocking up another "Gold Coin Day" I was pretty pleased with myself.

So whats this Gold Coin Day I refer to? I have a jar on my kitchen bench top where I deposit a gold coin for every day I eat clean and on track. Its like my reward for a job well done that day and I'm getting a bit of a kick out of seeing the jar slowly fill up. I'm not 100% strict with my eating coz I'm not in "comp prep" or anything but I know how to eat to lose body fat and if I eat right then in goes a coin.

Training has been good (it usually is for me as I'm pretty religious with it) and WH and I have taken advantage of being kid-free this week. Yesterday, despite 37 degree heat we went for a 40 minute walk after work. I thought he'd pike out but no he was ok to do it so who was I to wimp out!! Dinner was chicken breast with Thai seasoning and a huge salad. Today we had to skip the walk as WH had work to do at home but I headed out on my own for a brisk trot after dinner had settled. Its a warm night and it was lovely being out in it.

So two days after my weekend away I'm still feeling a bit thicker around the middle but I know it'll go easily enough if I keep doing all the right things. Just taking a step at a time on the long road to success.

:-) Magda


Pip said...

Top work Magda! AND nice idea for a gold coin on an 'on track' day! I just may steal that idea off you if you don't mind!!! Those coins would build up nicely over a year! AND if having an 'off track' day one would more likely to be spending several gold coins on 'extra unplanned junk food, booze etc'.

Shar said...

hey Magda
Good you are tracking better since being back into home surroundings and into routine, I'm such a sucker for 'normalness'.

I, like pip, will be pinching the Gold coin jar!!

Have a great Wednesday
Shar x

ss2306 said...

Hey Magda

Just wanted to say that I'm in comp prep and still not 100% strict unless of course you mean eating what I feel like and including a treat or two a day which has been factored in is strict! Even when prepping for comp there's no need to eat clean all of the time and live on tuna and lettuce. Sorry, but I pity the girls that do this.

Glad you're back in the swing of things and routine - I LOVE routine.

Magda said...

Hey Pip and Shar, the Gold Coin Jar works well but I have to give credit to Kerry (here in Adelaide) for the idea.

I'm with you Shelley!! Right now I enjoy cappuccinos, 2 wines / week, a small serve of nuts (with my wine) and no restrictions on dairy food (which I love). Tuna and lettuce BLAAAAAAH!!

Normalness and routine RULE!!
