Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last night we had an unplanned impromptu dinner with our friends after my girlfriend and I took our boys to the movies. There is always some challenge around eating out when you are focussed on losing body fat so here's how its all went.

When the movie finished my girlfriend took my son to her place and I ducked home to picked up WH. I ate my healthy snack then as I was hungry and I didnt want to arrive back for dinner starving and guaranteed to hoe into the pre-dinner nibbles. That was a good decision because when the cheese, dip and crackers went out on the table, I wasn t tempted. I had a glass of wine that I slipped very slowly. My friend even commented that "you're not drinking that would you like something else?" I politelty refused and explained that I was taking it slowly as I was driving home. That wine lasted me 2+ hours!!

My friend is married to an Italian so she has become an excellent pasta cook and pasta was on the menu last night. I know she is conscious of cooking healthy meals for her family so I totally relaxed and enjoyed every mouthful of my tomato based sauce with chorizo and some veges over penne pasta. It was delicious and although it wasnt totally clean I wasnt stressing about it. I had salad with it and didnt overeat so I was pleased that I handled it so well.

Desert was chockies and biscuits which I passed on so any damage would have been minimal. Nevertheless Metal Montser decided by spike by .6kgs this morning after hitting a new low yesterday. Its such a silly bugger and I just cant warm to the frequent weighing no matter what good reasons there may be for it.

Training was fantastic yesterday with noticeable improvement on the BOSU so that was another bonus. Its still really really hard but I'm lasting longer on the various abdominal bracing holds. Today has been a rest day so I tackled the housework instead. WH didnt recognise the place when he got home from playing golf LOL.

4 days back at work and then I'm off to Queensland for the weekend. Doing Liz's killer RPM class on Saturday and then having a training session (if I'm still alive). Cant wait!!

Cheers all



Anonymous said...

If/When you get a chance I'd love to hear/see more about your bosu if you wouldn't mind Magda.

Lia xxx
Eat Clean, Drink Water, Train Hard & Love Life! :o)

Magda said...

Will do Miss Lia. Stay tuned this week.


Anonymous said...

And just letting you know that you need to delete me from your blog list and add me again now that I have a new isp address since moving my blog Magda. It's

Lia xxx
Eat Clean, Drink Water, Train Hard & Love Life! :o)

ss2306 said...

Looking forward to meeting you Magda.

Magda said...

I know Lia. I'm the world's worst procrastinator.

Hey Shelley, me too :-)

Anonymous said...

You and me both. LOL!!