Thursday, December 20, 2007


The ILs arrived last night and we had our nice family dinner at SIL’s. No camera so no snaps. MIL greeted me with “you’re looking good” with the smile to match. I wont tell you what I was thinking. Some things are just better left unsaid so I smiled back and said “thank you”.

I still have very sore legs but I got up early and ran – well dragged myself along – for 30 minutes. Yowser I felt heavy, unfit and lethargic. There’s no doubt that I’ve lost fitness with the extra weight, poor eating and inconsistent training.

This will all change starting on December 26th. Yes my new training program, my new (and hopefully final) attempt at embracing a permanently healthy lifestyle kicks off on Boxing Day which I have renamed “Operation Overhaul” (OO) Day. I’m feeling very positive about starting on that day. Firstly, its not a Monday. The old “starting a diet on Monday” mentality is doomed for failure in my opinion. Its also NOT a new year’s resolution (another mentality that’s doomed for failure). Being off work will make a big difference too and I’m determined to manage my social life in with my goals while my ILs are here. I’m not letting that be an excuse to further delay starting. Its also 37 1/2 weeks to the WNBF comp in Adelaide and time to get cracking on building a nice round booty.

I’m hosting dinner for 10 people tonight. WH will do most of it on the barbie though – love steaks and chicken kebabs – and I’m resorting to The Cheesecake Shop for dessert (I still have to work all day). We have a new outdoor setting to assemble before people arrive. Plus salads and veges to get ready. I expect I’ll be really buggered when its all over.

Cheers all


PS Thanks to those who left comments on my last post. Now I know just who the other blogger tragics are LOL


Anonymous said...

tehehe my quest for being tragic continues.

Have a fab night with all ur guests tonight, sounds like a wonderful evening.

Good on u for getting up and going for a run even though u were sore.


Shar said...

good luck with 10 dinner guests Magda and I love the Operation Overhaul!! great name.
I just named mine 'shut up and get on with it'!! :)
Shar x

Ali said...

Opertation overhaul!! great tittle, looking forward to following your progress,

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas

Ali xxx

Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Magda, hope your dinner goes well. Hope you have a great Christmas and best wishes for Operation Overhaul!

Unknown said...

Hi Magda- first time of reading your blog! A great idea to start a new regime on Boxing Day - a bit different to the usual New Years Day which is always doomed to failure. Have a good Christmas and I look forward to reading more about your rsolutions/programs.