Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Reflecting on yesterday I can proudly say that it was a good day. I ate clean, I cardioed hard and my shoulder/tricpes session was great. All that aside, its the mental state that makes the biggest difference. When I'm feeling positive and empowered life breezes along. Challenges are faced and conquered and the result is that I feel even more positive. But if the tide turns, as it did last weekend I need to find strategies to deal with those negative times. I guess its all apart of the journey. Sometimes the road will be long but smooth and sometimes it'll be so bumpy that progress seems to slow right down.

I'm not at work today as I need to take care of some important personal maintenance. A visit to the chiro this morning has sorted out my very sore neck and I'm feeling much better. I used my free time before the chiro to hit the gym and did 2 sessions back to back: legs first and then straight into back/abs. Awesome! My strength on the curl grip pulldowns just gets better and better and today's back program was a really good one. Heavier on the curl grips and a bit lighter on the wide grip pulldowns so all my reps had good form :-).

I've also treated myself to the new gym gear I had planned when I reached my next mini goal. After checking out what all the fancy sports stores had and not being overly impressed with it, I ended up looking in Target and found some excellent pieces at a fraction of the price + got another 15% off. But thats not even the best bit! The 3/4 black pants I chose were a size 8 and they look fantastic. Now I know Target has quite generous sizing but I dont care. The number on the tag is an "8" and I'm happier than happy :-))

So thats my shallow little brag for the day. Now its time to go and clean out my pantry before a visit to the doctors for more personal maintenance.

Have a great day all



Spartze said...

Hey Magda.....love the shallow brag ;) its only a number but it still has such a big impact doens't it.

We all have days like you did at the weekend, your just normal ;)

Keep at it, looking forward to seeing you strut your stuff up on stage.


Cherie said...

Hiya Magda, I haven't read all of your posts cos I'm in desperate need of catching up on everyone's blogs but from what i've read, you sound like you have been training like a trojan...and good on you i reckon. you must be feeling heaps proud about all the progress you have been making, especially the size 8 pants huh huh...how cool is that!! you go girl!! must catch up some time since we live close by

Magda said...

Hi Katie and Cherie,

yes its hilarious that a silly number can have such a big impact. And sizing varies so much that the number really means nothing but I have many a time walked out of a shop if I couldnt fit into their size 12 and gone elsewhere and bought somehting just because I got into a size 10. Female logic, I'm sure you understand :-)