Monday, December 01, 2008


I've now completed a month of training with Liz and I thought it would be a good time to assess my progress. Not just with numbers and stats though but with all aspects of getting lean, fit and toned.

The numbers and stats have been great. I started at 76.3kgs on 1 November and on 1 December I weighed in at 69.7kgs. Yep thats 6.6kgs off. My measurements went down as follows:

Bust 5cms

Waist 6cms

Hips 5.5cms

Thighs 3.5 and 3cms

My fugly jeans are looking even worse on me (which is good) but the smaller jeans are still too small. I'm starting to get back into some of my medium sized clothes and I like that.

Training wise I've had the challenge of trying to correct some significant postural imbalances. So my focus has been on activating glutes, stretching many over-tight muscles, and building some strength in my weaker areas. Many trainers would have had me launch straight into the serious weights but Liz assessed my posture and designed my program to get things right before we go into the heavier stuff. She knows her stuff and I'm lucky to have her coaching me or indeed I could end up injured or with worse issues than I have now.

Cardio has been "kind". Starting at a heavier weight and with some knee problems identified, I've had the luxury of mainly walking for cardio. I'm sure this will pick up down the track but I've grown to love my walks in the early morning where as previously I found them boring.

Food is always my biggest challenge but the guidelines Liz had me following were easy to maintain and I was overall successful with them. When I did fall off the wagon with a bit of a blow-out I was able to contain it to one day and that in itself is an achievement for me. We also worked together to devise strategies to avoid this happening in future and I'm determined to make December even more successful on the food front.

Finally my head space has been really good and this is by far the most important thing. Over this last year I can honestly say that there were many times when I just didnt care and trying to get back on track was just too hard. I had written myself off and of that I'm NOT proud. But now I try hard to think positively and I choose to be a happier, more balanced person. Even when things could potentially drag me down I dont let them beat me and I stay in control.

So a month is down but there is still a long way to go. Yet when the journey is enjoyable and rewarding, it doesnt seem like a chore at all.

My next mini goal is to be sub 67.5 by Christmas which would be the best present I could give myself.

:-) Magda


Lisa Jane said...

Hi Magda,

Thanks for coming by and visiting, it was nice to see a new face there. I've been lurking at your blog for awhile now but not said boo.

Awesome job on your progress. I am determined that I am going to get where I want to go and today was the true beginning of my journey.

Thanks for the support.


Pip said...


FANTASTIC! You achieved you're sub 70 goal with a month to spare, well done!!! Fantastic momentum happening!

Am still struggling myself with the increased workload at work and long hours, little time in bed and am looking at ways to get out of this. That is meaning I'm struggling to stay on track, training flips by the wayside and I have no mealbreaks and end up bingeing and my weight is climbing again!

I'm you're height, was annoyed to be 83.4 today as I happen to weigh on first of every month! Aiming to read at a figure at least 5kg less than this by 1 Jan 09! First step I was organised enough to not reach for chocolate laying around, - had a small apple and DID a 25km hilly bike ride!

ss2306 said...

What an inspirational achievement Magda. Congratulations.

When the student is ready the teacher appears. Fairy Liz dragged me out of the gutter too.

You're on your way to living the life you imagine.

Miss Positive said...

Those results are fantastic Magda, and not only that, its great to hear that you're in a really good head-space now.

Hilary xx

Anonymous said...

This is a fantasic post Magda, i can feel how happy you are through it. You are doing so well and are a huge inspiration to me right now. Keep it up and enjoy your Xmas pressie to yourself of feeling fit and fabulous.


Magda said...

Hi Lisa Jane, thank you for stopping by and commenting. I believe we all should be supporting each other however we can.

Pip, you have a killer job that imposes conditions that make it very hard to eat well anmd train regularly. Your hours and conditions would kill me as I need to eat when I'm hungry or I'm terrible to be around. Also it makes it very hard to resist temptation. Hang in there. You'll find a way and you'll make that goal once the ball is rolling.

Thanks Shelly. Yes Fairy Liz is working some real magic here and I like where I'm heading.

Hi Hilary. Yes I'm very happy with my results. Its nice to be moving in thre right direction at last.

Thanks Cat, it'll be nice being able to choose what I want to wear on Christamas Day instead of struggling to find something that fits.

:-) Magda