Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi all,

well with spring about to kick off tomorrow and some significant developments over the last week or so I have decided to launch my new blog. I did defect over to Wordpress but frankly I havent got the time to learn a new program and then set up something fancy shmancy. So for now I'm staying with trutsy old Blogger but am changing the focus of my writings.

I have a busy couple of evenings coming up but hope to start it in the next few days so as they say .... WATCH THIS SPACE.

Cheers all



Michelle said...

Hey Magda,
If you still want to switch to wordpress I'd be happy to help get you set up and get a template all snazy for you.

Let me know

Kristy said...

So funny you have just written this Magda...

I was actually thinking the exact same thing only yesterday...

Strange timing lol

I haven't decided yet whether I will change or not.

Raechelle said...

Change is fun! Looking forward to following along!

Magda said...

Michelle I would love that. Would you email me on magdaw@bigpond.com and we can talk there. Thank you so much :-)

Great minds think alike Kristy. Its a big step for me to try the technological unknown but I figure I can always change back if WP proves too difficult.

Thanks Raechelle. I hope to have WP blog up and running soon.

Cheers all


LizN said...

Wordpress has great functionality. I've still got a lot to learn but I really like it.

Witchazel said...

I was like you Magda, I started a wordpress blog but couldn't be bothered starting al over again... Can't wait for your new changes though!!!