Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Last day with my BS before he goes to Queensland for a week with the in-law grandparents. He's flying out on the red-eye with my mum and dad. Gosh it'll be a big, tiring day for him.

Today we went to see Speed Racer. What a great movie with spectacular visual effects and a nice feel-good story-line. I even had a little cry at the end. In the final race Speed Racer is thwarted at the start and he ends up in last place. But throughout his fight back he recalls all the support, encouragement, past events and wise words from his family and mentors and gives his all 110% to finish the race. There were so many positive messages that could be applied to many facets of our lives ... hence my emotional reaction. BTW, BS enjoyed it too cause the cars had lots of BOOST (aka turbo).

Its a pity those feel-good feelings didnt carry through to the video games arcade ... AAAARGH I HATE THOSE PLACES (blood pressure rising) and there was an (unscheduled) visit to GJs to unwind after the stress over-load. I do confess that I indulged in a mini biscuit but compared to past sins this was a 2 on the richter scale - a hardly noticeable tremor.

But I have been dealing with some difficult negative feelings today (completely different unrelated issue) and have been very aware of my usual habit of seeking out comfort food at such times. I'm pleased to say that I didnt resort to this behaviour today and hence at the end of the day I'm not feeling worse from bad eating.

I trained back and abs tonight and was able to increase the intensity with the limited equipment I currently have. This was a positive and helped a little with my mood. Oh and I did cardio in this morning (more rain) enjoying 8/12 Tabatas on the bike for a solid 30 reps and then doing about 15 mins on the most challenging rower program. My legs were feeling quite tight during the biking - hopefully thats the centimetres coming off.

Well time to read blogs and see whats happening on Lindy's forum. G'night all

:-) Magda

PS 3 sleeps til I fly out to Melbourne for the All Females.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to fiiiiinally meet you Magda. :o) xxx